How to create a password that’s hard to crack in 2023 - SAMALEN TV


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How to create a password that’s hard to crack in 2023

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How to create a password that’s hard to crack

Most of the password cracking tools are available for free. So, you should always try to have a strong password that is hard to crack. These are a few tips you can try while creating a password.

  1. The longer the password, the harder it is to crack: Password length is the most important factor. The complexity of a brute force password guessing attack grows exponentially with the length of the password. A random seven-character password can be cracked in minutes, while a ten-character one takes hundreds of years.
  2. Always use a combination of characters, numbers and special characters: Using a variety of characters also makes brute-force password-guessing more difficult, since it means that crackers need to try a wider variety of options for each character of the password. Incorporate numbers and special characters and not just at the end of the password or as a letter substitution (like @ for a).
  3. Variety in passwords: Credential stuffing attacks use bots to test if passwords stolen from one online account are also used for other accounts. A data breach at a tiny company could compromise a bank account if the same credentials are used. Use a long, random, and unique password for all online accounts.
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