Viwango vya Mkopo wa Diploma HELSB Loan Features and Rate OCTOBER 2023. - SAMALEN TV


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Viwango vya Mkopo wa Diploma HELSB Loan Features and Rate OCTOBER 2023.

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 Viwango vya Mkopo wa Diploma Heslb Loan Features and Rate 

 Diploma Heslb Loan Rate The loan will be given to cover all or some of the components, such as will be analyzed and approved.

  • Food and Accommodation: Maximum amount not exceeding TZS. 7,500.00 per day will be given according to the number of days the student will be in college as directed on the relevant college calendar. This amount will be paid directly to the student.
  • Tuition Fee: Maximum fee not exceeding TZS. 1,400,000.00 per year accordingly and expenses paid in the respective college per year and will be paid once per one for the respective college.
  • Costs of Books and Materials: The maximum amount does not exceed TZS. 200,000.00 per year for books and documents and will be given to students.
  • Special Faculty Requirements: Maximum amount not exceeding TZS. 300,000.00 per year according to relevant costs will be paid directly to the college.
  • Practical Training: Maximum amount not exceeding TZS. 7,500.00 per day up to 56 days per year, for Practical Training will be provided. The amount will be paid once per one per student.
  • Research Costs : The amount does not exceed TZS. 100,000.00 per year will be provided for the expenses of research (Project) for some programs as specified by the relevant college.

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