Jinsi ya Ku Apply Mkopo Kwa Diploma | HESLB OCTOBER 2023 - SAMALEN TV


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Jinsi ya Ku Apply Mkopo Kwa Diploma | HESLB OCTOBER 2023

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 Jinsi ya Ku Apply Mkopo kwa Diploma | HESLB

HESLB OLAMS :Loan Application for Academic year 2022/2023 Apply here|Heslb Maombi ya mkopo Elimu ya juu

Welcome to Online Loan Application and Management System (OLAMS). ONLY Tanzanian Nationals are eligible to apply for higher education student loans. Kindly provide TRUE information about yourself and follow all the instructions to fill and submit your application package.


All loan applications will be done through Online Loan Application and Management System
(OLAMS). Applicants are REMINDED to use the same Form Four Index Numbers used while
applying for admissions.
Upon completion of online application process, applicants shall be required to print out the
application forms and Loan Agreements, obtain appropriate authentications, sign the forms, attach necessary documents and upload into OLAMS before submitting the same through EMS to:
The Executive Director, Higher Education Students’ Loans Board,46 Sam Nujoma, Mwenge S. L. P. 76068, 14113 Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA.
Kindly read carefully the Guidelines and Criteria for Issuance of Loans for 2020/2021 before applying;
Click link at the end of this advert for Loan for registration using your Form IV Index Number and year of completion; After Providing and confirming your Form Four Index number, you will receive your Control Number (99111xxxxxxx),

Use the generated Control Number to Pay a Non-Refundable Application Fee of TZS 30,000.00 (Pay in-full, NOT by Instalments) through:

MPesa, Tigo Pesa, HaloPesa, Airtel Money, T-Pesa or EzyPesa through Control Number “generated by the system”as reference number and thereafter you will receive a confirmation message (receipt);
You can use your Control Number from OLAMS to pay application fee at any NMB, TPB or CRDB Bank Branch or respective Agents. Should you need any assistance, kindly refer to provided instructions or call HESLB Helpdesk through +255 550 79100736 665 533 or 0739 665 533.

Online Application:

All eligible applicants are highly encouraged to register and apply online for the Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB) using the Online Loan Application and Management System – Higher Education Students’ Loans Board heslb .

Applications shall be online on our website https://www.heslb.go.tz/, and can be accessed on Apply Now button .

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3 تعليقات

  1. Ndioo...Nakubal san ma broo..
    Lets ride 💪💪💪💪💪💪
  2. Nakubal san Broo
  3. Nice content ever
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